The multibarrier concept forms the basis for geological disposal concepts in most countries and the guideline states that research and development should aim to demonstrate the feasibility of constructing an engineered barrier system (EBS) which is appropriate for the range of relevant geological conditions. The multibarrier system (EBS) and its functions consisting of the glass waste form, overpack and buffer material was located in a sufficiently stable geological environment. When an overpack comes into contact with groundwater it will start to corrode. The wall thickness will then gradually reduce, and the overpack will eventually fail mechanically when its structural strength can no longer support the stress imposed by the surrounding environment. The requirements that influence the thickness of buffer include nuclide migration retardation and heat conductivity, as well as stress buffering capability, self-sealing ability and workability. The migration retardation function is assumed to be the most important of all these requirements with respect to setting the appropriate thickness of buffer. A consideration of these effects and relationship between buffer thicknesses has determined that a reasonable thickness for the buffer is between 400 mm and 700 mm [AECL, H12]. Therefore, the design thickness of buffer material can range from 0.4 m to 0.7 m to account for manufacturing and stress buffering. In this alternative design case, the thickness of the buffer material is set to 0.4 m, 0.5 m, 0.6 m and 0.7 m. The nuclide migration properties of the buffer material are assumed to be the same (PNC, Development and Management of the Technical Knowledge Base for the Geological Disposal of HLW, Supporting Report 2: “Repository” Engineering Technology). The results of calculation are presented that some nuclides such as Se-79, Tc-99, Pd-107, Th-233, U-236, Pb-210, Ra-226 and Np-237 virtually unchanged in case the maximum release rate from EBS corresponding to change thickness of buffer material. Some nuclides such as Cs-135, Nb-94, Nb-93 m, Zr-93, Sn-126, Th-230, Ph-240, Pu-242, U-233, Ac-227, Pa-231 and Th-229 are very little greater for 40 cm, 50 cm and 60 cm in the maximum release rate compared with 70 cm. Maximum release of nuclides U-235, U-234 and U-238 increases in case of 50 cm and 60 cm thickness of buffer and in case 40 cm are the same as 70 cm thickness because the amount of their parents in case 40 cm will decrease before decay and in case 70 cm amount of these nuclides will decrease due to decayed to other nuclides before release from the buffer, then maximum decay happened in case 50 cm. The maximum release rates of short-lived nuclides such as Cm-245, Am-243, Cm-245, Am-241, Pu-241 and Pu-239 increase significantly due to less decay occurring during the reduced buffer transit time.
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