We present a model for the variation of the upper critical field Hc2 with Sn content in A15-type Nb-Sn wires, within the Ginzburg-Landau-Abrikosov-Gor’kov (GLAG) theory frame. Hc2 at the vicinity of the critical temperature Tc is related quantitatively to the electrical resistivity ρ, specific heat capacity coefficient γ and Tc. Hc2 versus tin content is theoretically formulated within the GLAG theory, and generally reproduces the experiment results. As Sn content gradually approaches the stoichiometry, A15-type Nb-Sn undergoes a transition from the dirty limit to clean limit, split by the phase transformation boundary. The H-T phase boundary and pinning force show different behaviors in the cubic and tetragonal phase. We dipict the dependence of the composition gradient on the superconducting properties variation in the A15 layer, as well as the curved tail at vicinity of Hc2 in the Kramer plot of the Nb3Sn wire. This helps understanding of the inhomogeneous-composition inducing discrepancy between the results by the state-of-art scaling laws and experiments.