We propose a presymplectic BV-AKSZ sigma model encoding the ghost-free massive bigravity theory action as well as its Batalin-Vilkovisky extension in terms of the finite-dimensional graded geometry of the target space. A characteristic feature of the construction is that the target space is realised as a quasi-regular submanifold of a linear graded manifold which, in turn, is a direct product of two copies of the shifted Poincaré or (anti-)de Sitter Lie algebra. This graded manifold comes equipped with a natural presymplectcic structure and the compatible pre-Q structure which is a sum of the Chevalley-Eilenberg differentials of each copy of the Lie algebra and the interaction term. The constraints determining the submanifold are the supergeometrical realisation of the known Deser-van Nieuwenhuizen condition and its descendant.
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