A new algorithm for planning a collision-free path is developed based on linear prametric curve. In this paper robot is assumed to a point, and two linear parametric curve is used to construct a path connecting start and goal point, in which single intermediate connection point between start and goal point is considered. The intermediate connection point is set in polar coordinate() , and the interference between path and obstacle is mapped into CPS(connection point space), which is defined a CWS GM(circular work space geometry mapping). GM of all obstacles in workspace creates overlapping images of obstacle in CPS(Connection Point Space). The GM for all obstacles produces overlapping images of obstacle in CPS. The empty area of CPS that is not occupied by obstacle images represents collision-free paths in Euclidian Space. A GM based on connection point in elliptic coordinate() is also developed in that the total length of path is depend only on the variable .delta.. Hence in EWS GM(elliptic work space geometry mapping), increasing .delta. and finding the value of .delta. for collision-free path, the shortest path can be searched without carring out whole GM. The GM of obstacles expersses all possible collision-free path as empty spaces in CPS. If there is no empty space available in CPS, it indicates that path planning is not possible with given number of connection points, i.e. path planning is failed, and it is necessary to increase the number of connection point. A general case collision-free path planning is possible by appling GM to configuration space obstacles. Simulation of GM of obstacles in Euclidian space is carried out to measure performance of algorithm and the resulting obstacle images are reported.
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