For any complex Banach space X and each p∈[1,∞), we introduce the p-Bohr radius of order N(∈N) is R˜p,N(X) defined byR˜p,N(X)=sup{r≥0:∑k=0N‖xk‖prpk≤‖f‖H∞(D,X)p}, where f(z)=∑k=0∞xkzk∈H∞(D,X). Here D={z∈C:|z|<1} denotes the unit disk. We also introduce the following geometric notion of p-uniformly C-convexity of order N for a complex Banach space X for some N∈N. For p∈[2,∞), a complex Banach space X is called p-uniformly C-convex of order N if there exists a constant λ>0 such that(0.1)(‖x0‖p+λ‖x1‖p+λ2‖x2‖p+⋯+λN‖xN‖p)1/p≤maxθ∈[0,2π)‖x0+∑k=1Neiθxk‖ for all x0, x1, …, xN ∈X. We denote Ap,N(X), the supremum of all such constants λ satisfying (0.1). We obtain the lower and upper bounds of R˜p,N(X) in terms of Ap,N(X). In this paper, for p∈[2,∞) and each N∈N, we prove that a complex Banach space X is p-uniformly C-convex of order N if, and only if, the p-Bohr radius of order NR˜p,N(X)>0. We also study the p-Bohr radius of order N for the Lebesgue spaces Lq(μ) for 1≤p<q<∞ or 1≤q≤p<2. Finally, we prove an operator valued analogue of a refined version of Bohr and Rogosinski inequality for bounded holomorphic functions from the unit disk D into B(H), where B(H) denotes the space of all bounded linear operator on a complex Hilbert space H.
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