Lost fishing gears become a major cause of marine pollution, and many policy and technical efforts have been conducted for that. For efficient retrieving lost fishing gears in underwater, It is important to know the current position. Using GPS in the sub-sea environment is impossible and localization requires the use of special systems, and mobility due to water currents for underwater localization also has to be considered. In this paper, described with respect to the system for a self-generated location informations without using an external signal, such as a GPS and Sonar and storing them. Using the characteristics of the geomagnetic and INS principle, proposed informations and a way for estimating self position during movement. Embedded based system suggested and implemented in this study is tested for validating it's functionality. 키워드 : 수중 위치추정, 관성항법, 자이로센서, 가속도센서, 자자기센서 Key word : Underwater Localization, INS, Gyro Sensor, Acceleration Sensor, Geomagnetic Sensor Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering 임베디드 기반의 다차원 위치정보 추출 및 저장시스템 개발
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