The paper analyzes the features of relief assessment as one of the main natural and recreational resources of the territory. It is shown that the main morphometric properties of the relief most objectively characterize the recreational properties of the territory at the regional and local levels. Important characteristics of a certain area depend on them: accessibility, visibility, diversity, natural attractions (rock outcrops, outcrops, rocks, caves, etc.).For a health-improving solution and tourism, both functionally and naturally are the most friendly of humpbacks, even with minor changes. Rivna, flat surface is unpleasant, splinters from the point of view of the aesthetics of landscape photography, the monotonous relief is not tsikaviy, but also functionally of little adherence. It is given an integrated assessment of the relief of Chernihiv region territory for recreation and tourism. The general degree of favorable geological and geomorphological conditions for recreational activities is determined by a combination of two indicators: the complexity of the terrain and the presence of geological and geomorphological natural attractions. To determine the complexity of the relief, the analysis of morphometric indicators of the relief within the Chernihiv region administrative-territorial systems was carried out. Instead of traditional morphometric parameters, such as the density of dismemberment, the depth of dismemberment and the slope of the earth’s surface, a synthetic characteristic is studied in detail - an indicator of the intensity of erosion dismemberment, which fully reflects the main external features of the earth’s surface. To determine the recreational value of natural attractions, the number of geological and geomorphological protected objects (national nature parks, landscape reserves, complex and geological natural monuments of national and local importance) for each Chernihiv region administrative-territorial system was estimated. To analyze the obtained results, the method of scoring is used. It is the most accurate in the analysis of indicators presented in different measurement systems. It is established that the most favorable for the development of recreational activities, in geological and geomorphological terms, were the territories of Varva, Sribne and Talalaivka districts (primarily due to the complexity of the relief - 9 points), as well as Ichnia, Korop, Novgorod-Siversky districts, where geological and geomorphological protected sites (8-10 points) played a role.Indicators in most districts of Chernihiv region are from 3 to 5 points, which indicates a rather low favorable geological and geomorphological conditions for the development of recreation within the study region. Highlighting the tourist and recreational potential of the Chernihiv region will contribute to the development of tourist infrastructure, expansion of the tourist business and improve the level of service.The theoretical analysis of the algorithm of the recreational assessment of the minds of the relєfu can be victorious during the development of the program for the development of recreation in the boundaries of the territory of the natural reserve fund. Given the robot can be the basis for a similar assessment of the minds of the administrative regions of Ukraine with the method of effective tourist and recreational activity.
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