
Purpose. To study the Poltava region landforms as a natural recreational and touristic resource to optimize its use in tourism. Methods. Analytical synthesis, comparison, deduction. Results. Poltava region landforms due to their flat nature make the safe conditions for touristic activities. In compare to piedmont or low-hill terrain regions it attracts less attention of tourists, does not create the conditionals of high biodiversity and is characterized by high degree of anthropogenic development. The research was done for studying of geologic objects of Poltava region that can be interesting for tourists. We considered their location, origin, scientific and conservation value, perspectives for use in tourism. The origin of objects is connected to both endogenous (Rock - granite register", granitoid outcrops, Keleberda, Vysachkivsryi saline dome) and exogenous processes that are mainly erosive (Butova Gora, Brusia, Golovleva Krucha, Lysa Gora) and glacial (mount Piviha). All objects are components of the natural-reserve fund of Ukraine. To assess the significance of objects the points system was created based on their comprehensive nature. Most objects are combined with other geological landmarks with natural and anthropogenic origin, natural water, areas with preserved vegetation that increases their value. Many of objects has a historical value (Rock - granite register", Keleberda) or are connected to important historical events (mountain Piviha) and the activities of famous personalities (Golovleva steep). This is a reason why the biggest amount of points was given to such objects as Rock – “granite register”, granitoid outcrops in the Kamiani Potoky village , Butova Gora, Keleberda. On the other hand the lack the tourist infrastructure reduces the possibility of using some objects for tourism development. Thus, one of the most contrasting and attractive objects - Mount Piviha - is estimated by average number of points because of lack of tourist infrastructure. Conclusions. The landforms of Poltava region as a natural recreational and tourist resource creates significant opportunities for development of different kinds of tourism, including cultural, walking, water, health, coastal, environment-oriented, scientific tourism and photo tourism. The creation of the recreation infrastructure will allow involving geological and geomorphological objects more actively to tourist activity and increasing efficiency.


  • Дослідити рельєф Полтавської області як природного рекреаційно-туристичного ресурсу для оптимізації його використання у туристичній діяльності

  • Many of objects has a historical value (Rock - granite register", Keleberda) or are connected to important historical events and the activities of famous personalities (Golovleva steep). This is a reason why the biggest amount of points was given to such objects as Rock – “granite register”, granitoid outcrops in the Kamiani Potoky village, Butova Gora, Keleberda

  • On the other hand the lack the tourist infrastructure reduces the possibility of using some objects for tourism development

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The landforms of Poltava region as a natural recreational and tourist resource creates significant opportunities for development of different kinds of tourism, including cultural, walking, water, health, coastal, environment-oriented, scientific tourism and photo tourism. Изучение рельефа Полтавской области как природного рекреационно-туристического ресурса для оптимизации его использования в туризме. Рельеф Полтавской области благодаря равнинному характеру создает безопасные условия для туристической деятельности. С другой стороны отсутствие туристической инфраструктуры снижает возможности использования некоторых объектов для развития туризма (гора Пивиха). Рельеф Полтавской области как природный рекреационно-туристический ресурс создает значительные возможности для развития различных видов туризма, в том числе культурнопознавательного, пешеходного, водного, оздоровительного, пляжного, экологического. Рельєфу районів з рівнинним характером поверхні, що надає менше можливостей для організації туризму і відпочинку, в наукових дослідженнях присвячено менше уваги. У зв'язку з цим вважається за доцільне вивчення рельєфу як рекреаційнотуристичного ресурсу Полтавської області, оскільки у складі її природно-ресурсного потенціалу присутні об'єкти, які можуть бути привабливими для туристів. Метою роботи є дослідження рельєфу як природного рекреаційно-туристичного ресурсу на прикладі Полтавської області для оптимального його використання в туристичній діяльності

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