
Topicality . On the territory of Ukraine in the coastal areas various spheres and types of economic activity are developing, representing a complex of seafarers, and polyfunctional natural resources of these territories are not always used rationally in the directions of activity; their recreational value and uniqueness are not taken into account; their socioeconomic and ecological damage, in fact, property rights are violated. Natural coastal areas resources are used by subjects of economic activity of various forms and ownership rights to man-made production factors. Lack of economic substantiation of the property rights specification, their blurriness, lead to a conflict of interests of various users with natural recreational resources and the need to transform the state regulation processes in this area. Aim and tasks. The purpose of the article is the substantiation of requirements in the transformation processes concerning the regulation of property relations on the natural recreational and tourist resources of the coastal areas as a basis for rational and environmentally safe use of them. Research results. The article deals with the institutional aspects of the state regulation development in the field of property relations on recreational and tourist resources. The imperfection of the regulatory and legislative framework concerning the legal status and economic relations with regard to the ownership of beach areas located in coastal zones. The coastal beach areas of southern Ukraine are highlighted and described. The necessity of transformation of institutes and institutions of property management on natural recreational and tourist resources at the state and regional levels is substantiated. The lease relations regarding the use of beach areas are described. The institutional directions of property relations improvement on the natural recreational and tourist resources of the coastal areas are substantiated. Conclusions. There are many potential recreational beach areas in our country, which can be mastered and used with the maximum social, ecological and economic effect, but the lack of state and local budget funds causes the need for the tenants to use beach resources, with the obligatory carrying out of protective, restorative and other measures for the arrangement of the territories. The process of state regulation of economic relations of recreational coastal resources ownership is not sufficiently effective as a result of the imperfection of the existing legislative and regulatory framework, the mechanisms of control by the state on the state of resources. Therefore, it is necessary to improve the institutional mechanisms of development of property relations on the recreational and tourist resources of the coastal areas.

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