Abstract In a series of recent papers we put forward a “fractional gravity”
framework striking an intermediate course between a modified gravity theory and an
exotic dark matter (DM) scenario, which envisages the DM component in virialized
halos to feel a non-local interaction mediated by gravity. The remarkable success
of this model in reproducing several aspects of DM phenomenology motivates us to
look for a general relativistic extension. Specifically, we propose a theory, dubbed
Relativistic Scalar Fractional Gravity or RSFG, in which the trace of the DM stressenergy tensor couples to the scalar curvature via a non-local operator constructed with
a fractional power of the d’Alembertian. We derive the field equations starting from
an action principle, and then we investigate their weak field limit, demonstrating that
in the Newtonian approximation the fractional gravity setup of our previous works is
recovered. We compute the first-order post-Newtonian parameter γ and its relation
with weak lensing, showing that although in RSFG the former deviates from its GR
values of unity, the latter is unaffected. We also perform a standard scalar-vectortensor-decomposition of RSFG in the weak field limit, to highlight that gravitational
waves propagate at the speed of light, though also an additional scalar mode becomes
dynamical. Finally, we derive the modified conservation laws of the DM stress energy
tensor in RSFG, showing that a new non-local force emerges, and hence that the DM
fluid deviates from the geodesic solutions of the field equations.
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