Let X be an anisotropic projective quadric over a field F of characteristic not 2. The essential dimension dimes(X ) of X ,a s def ined by Oleg Izhboldin, is dimes(X ) = dim(X ) − i(X ) + 1 , where i(X ) is the first Witt index of X (i.e., the Witt index of X over its function field). Let Y be a complete (possibly singular) algebraic variety over F with all closed points of even degree and such that Y has a closed point of odd degree over F(X ). Our main theorem states that dimes(X ) ≤ dim(Y ) and that in the case dimes(X ) = dim(Y ) the quadric X is isotropic over F(Y ). Applying the main theorem to a projective quadric Y , we get a proof of Izhboldin's conjecture stated as follows: if an anisotropic quadric Y becomes isotropic over F(X ) ,t hen dim es(X ) ≤ dimes(Y ), and the equality holds if and only if X is isotropic over F(Y ). We also solve Knebusch's problem by proving that the smallest transcendence degree of a generic splitting field of a quadric X is equal to dimes(X ). Let (V ,ϕ ) be a non-degenerate quadratic form of dimension at least 2 over a field F of characteristic not 2 and let X = Q(ϕ) be the quadric hypersurface given by the equation ϕ(x) = 0 in the projective space P(V ). We say that the quadric X is anisotropic if ϕ is an anisotropic quadratic form. By Springer's theorem, every closed point of an anisotropic quadric X has
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