Resonant excitations of $f$-modes in binary neutron star coalescences influence the gravitational waves (GWs) emission in both quasicircular and highly eccentric mergers and can deliver information on the star interior. Most models of resonant tides are built using approximate, perturbative approaches and thus require to be carefully validated against numerical relativity (NR) simulations in the high-frequency regime. We perform detailed comparisons between a set of high-resolution NR simulations and the state of the art effective one body (EOB) model ${\tt TEOBResumS}$ with various tidal potentials and including a model for resonant tides. For circular mergers, we find that $f$-mode resonances can improve the agreement between EOB and NR, but there is no clear evidence that the tidal enhancement after contact is due to a resonant mechanism. Tidal models with $f$-mode resonances do not consistently reproduce, at the same time, the NR waveforms and the energetics within the errors, and their performances is comparable to resummed tidal models without resonances. For highly eccentric mergers, we show for the first time that our EOB model reproduces the bursty NR waveform to a high degree of accuracy. However, the considered resonant model does not capture the $f$-mode oscillations excited during the encounters and present in the NR waveform. Finally, we analyze GW170817 with both adiabatic and dynamical tides models and find that the data shows no evidence in favor of models including dynamical tides. This is in agreement with the fact that resonant tides are measured at very high frequencies, which are not available for GW170817 but might be tested with next generation detectors.
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