Over the past decades, three-dimensional(3D) face recognition has developed rapidly due to its intrinsic invariance to pose and illumination changes. Yet despite this, deep learning is rarely used in 3D face recognition due to lack of training dat a. Noting that the majority of the recognition processes are based on facial depth map instead of real 3D data, we focus on the generation of facial depth map to surmount the shortage of training data. In this paper, we present a novel paradigm, Facial Depth Descend, which generates facial depth map from existing 3D face data. The key to this generation paradigm is to recombine facial components from existing faces and thereafter generate brand new faces based on them. We then propose a learning framework RPC to generate recognition-friendly faces. First, it extracts three facial components (eyes, nose and mouth) from the 3D data of real faces. Then, with these components as input, a Relative Location Estimator (RLE) is used to predict the relative location among them so that they can be composed in a reasonable manner. Finally, the method feeds a Pix2Pix network with these composed facial components to extrapolate areas surrounding them and output a full facial depth map. We here enforce an identity preserving loss on the generation network to make the facial depth map more discriminative and favorable for recognition tasks. Since we can choose different identities’ different components as input, RPC is theoretically able to generate a vast number of novel 2.5D faces. More specifically, RPC can generate an enlarged face dataset as large as N3 identities, where N is the number of identities in the original one. Experiments show that, adding the generated depth maps to the training dataset can help improve the recognition rate in 2.5D face recognition.
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