A behavioral science consultant has been retained by two hospital-based general practice residency (GPR) programs and one advanced program in general dentistry at the University of Rochester, and Eastman Dental Center, NY. This consultant is available throughout the year and serves as an external consultant who knows the programs well, and can be used as a source of information on various existing and potential issues and problems. The model used by the consultant has been inductive and is based on the expressed needs of faculty members, trainees, and directors. A number of issues or problems were identified, including faculty member morale, evaluation of residents' growth, resident and supporting staff relations, curriculum development, cooperation with other departments and institutions, and dealing with patients' anxiety to dental treatment. For each, a specific plan was developed. Various types of experiential techniques were used, including brainstorming, role playing, and taping and feedback. Didactic activities included minicourses and workshops in which standard teaching methods were used, such as lectures, seminar discussions, literature study, and demonstration. The model has evolved, and as each activity has succeeded, more faculty members have sought help from the consultant.
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