In modern computer systems, the Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) is the core component of the central processing Unit (CPU) and performs basic tasks such as arithmetic operations, logic operations, and data transmission. With the development of information technology, the demand for computing is growing, the requirements for computing accuracy, speed and energy consumption are becoming more stringent. The design and optimization of ALU is directly related to the overall performance and energy efficiency of the system, so it becomes the focus of research and the key to technological breakthroughs. This paper focuses on summarizing and exploring the application scenarios, development, and optimization prospects of ALUs. This study reviews various application contexts, including embedded systems, quantum computing, and high-performance processors, highlighting how tailored ALU designs can meet the demands of each. In the field of optimization strategies, Gate Diffusion Input (GDI) technology, reversible logic, and Single Electron Transistor (SET) technology were discussed as a way to reducing power consumption and improving processing speeds.
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