In September, 2011, a 44-year-old woman presented to our surgical outpatient department with lower abdominal pain of a few weeks’ duration, nausea, and vomiting. There was no change in her bowel habits and no rectal bleeding. Her medical history included hiatus hernia, iron and folate defi ciency anaemia, and chronic fatigue syndrome. On physical examination she had lower abdominal tenderness, without signs of peritoneal irritation. Routine blood investigations showed low haemoglobin and high C-reactive protein concentrations. A gastrointestinal endoscopic examination was done because of her chronic symptoms and iron defi ciency anaemia, Gastroscopy did not show any upper gastrointestinal changes other than the hiatus hernia. However, colonoscopy showed a 3 cm luminal invagination of the caecum at the site of the appendiceal orifi ce, suggestive of an appendiceal intussusception (fi gure A). Appendiceal intussusception was confi rmed by a CT scan, which showed an intraluminal lesion corres ponding to an inverted appendix. Our patient was off ered open surgical resection. During surgery, caecal thickening with a complete appendiceal intussception was seen. The caecum and terminal ileum were well perfused. A partial caecectomy that included the intussuscepted appendix was done. Histological examination of the specimen confi rmed complete intussusception of the appendix, consistent with a Type-V McSwain classi fi cation, and previously unsuspected foci of endomet riosis scattered in the submucosa and muscularis propria, with involvement of the serosal surface (fi gure B). Our patient recovered and at 2-month follow-up in January, 2012, was pain free and on hor monal suppression of endometriosis. The reported incidence of endometriosis of the appendix is less than 1%. Endometriosis causing intussusception of the appendix is rare with only 37 published cases. Most reports have highlighted the diagnostic and management challenges. Young adults presenting with lower abdominal pain are commonly diagnosed with infl ammatory
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