The process of oil production using sucker rod-pumping installations, especially with high gas content of formation fluid, is accompanied by accumulation of oil gas in the annulus of wells. The growth of the annular gas pressure causes an increase in the back pressure on the reservoir and a number of other negative consequences, to exclude which various technologies are used to pump out gas from the annular space of production wells. The article considers the problem of optimizing the gas pressure in the annulus by pumping gas with a compressor at a constant speed. The design of the suspended plunger compressor driven by the balance of the pumping unit and the method for calculating the technological parameters of the compressor based on the balance of the compressor supply and the volumetric flow rate of the separated gas into the annulus are proposed. A two-stage algorithm for calculating the parameters of the optimal technological mode of well operation has been developed. As an optimization criterion, joint fulfillment of the following conditions was proposed: ensuring the permissible volume fraction of gas at the inlet, minimum pump immersion under the dynamic level, and maximizing the flow rate of the well. To assess the effectiveness of the proposed well operation technology and to calculate the increase in well flow rate during compressor operation, a mathematical model of a multiphase stationary gas-liquid mixture flow in a wellbore operated by a pumping pump unit, taking into account the equilibrium processes of separation and dissolution of oil gas, the effects of oil and gas phase slip, is proposed. The calculation results confirm that the use of compressors for pumping gas from the annulus allows one to obtain a significant increase in the flow rate of liquid and oil, which depends on the parameters and properties of the pumped product, the operational characteristics of the formation and barothermal conditions.