Reversible logic has gained popularity recently because it allows circuits to use significantly less power. Due to the inherent reversibility of quantum operation, there is enormous interest in designing and optimizing reversible circuits. In this work, a new gate named as transvidkan gate, Quantum Random Reversible Flip Flop, Sequence generator, and Build in Self-Test (BIST) has been proposed. Quantum Random Reversible Flip Flop (QRRFF) is an emerging technology that is used in a variety of apps that use modern security and encryption systems. For creating a random string, typical approaches combine an entropy source with an elimination or bit-generation system. Quantum computing reversible logic chips and Low-power design are emerging as intriguing research topics. A classical logic-based 8-bit reversible comparator is represented using existing reversible gates. This study provides a BIST-based architecture for a comparator design that reduces the garbage outputs, quantum cost, and constant inputs. According to simulation result, the proposed approach outperforms traditional methods in terms of hardware complexity and quantum cost.