The response of AGATA segmented HPGe detectors to gamma rays in the energy range 2–15MeV was measured. The 15.1MeV gamma rays were produced using the reaction d(11B,nγ)12C at Ebeam=19.1MeV, while gamma rays between 2 and 9MeV were produced using an Am–Be–Fe radioactive source. The energy resolution and linearity were studied and the energy-to-pulse-height conversion resulted to be linear within 0.05%.Experimental interaction multiplicity distributions are discussed and compared with the results of Geant4 simulations. It is shown that the application of gamma-ray tracking allows a suppression of background radiation caused by n-capture in Ge nuclei. Finally the Doppler correction for the 15.1MeV gamma line, performed using the position information extracted with Pulse-shape analysis is discussed.