Radiochemical experiments have been crucial to solar neutrino research. Even today, they provide the only direct measurement of the rate of the proton-proton fusion reaction, p + p → d + e + + ν e , which generates most of the Sunʼs energy. We first give a little history of radiochemical solar neutrino experiments with emphasis on the gallium experiment SAGE – the only currently operating detector of this type. The combined result of all data from the Ga experiments is a capture rate of 67.6 ± 3.7 SNU. For comparison to theory, we use the calculated flux at the Sun from a standard solar model, take into account neutrino propagation from the Sun to the Earth and the results of neutrino source experiments with Ga, and obtain 67.3 − 3.5 + 3.9 SNU. Using the data from all solar neutrino experiments we calculate an electron neutrino pp flux of ϕ p p ♁ = ( 3.41 − 0.77 + 0.76 ) × 10 10 / ( cm 2 -s ) , which agrees well with the prediction from a detailed solar model of ϕ p p ♁ = ( 3.30 − 0.14 + 0.13 ) × 10 10 / ( cm 2 -s ) . Four tests of the Ga experiments have been carried out with very intense reactor-produced neutrino sources and the ratio of observed to calculated rates is 0.88 ± 0.05 . One explanation for this unexpectedly low result is that the cross section for neutrino capture by the two lowest-lying excited states in 71Ge has been overestimated. We end with consideration of possible time variation in the Ga experiments and an enumeration of other possible radiochemical experiments that might have been.
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