We introduce and develop topologies whose members are dynamic sets à la Zeleny. This development spawns the notions of phase and co-phase spaces, fuzzy dual, dynamic dual, and co-fuzzy dual with the following results being obtained: Result A. The notion of fuzzy dual provides a unifying framework for the diverse fuzzification schemes of Hutton-Gantner-Steinlage-Warren, Klein, and Lowen. Result B. The dynamic duals of the fuzzy real lines are both homeostatic and coheterostatic. Result C. The fuzzy real lines, re-interpreted as fuzzy duals of R with the usual Euclidean topology T , induce on R , via the notion of co-fuzzy dual, a class of canonical, stratified fuzzy topologies {CO R L }. E.g., if L is a DeMorgan algebra and α ϵ L c -{1}, then the α-compactness of A ⊂ R is equivalent to the ordinary compactness of A w.r.t. T ; and if L is a Hutton algebra, ( R , L, CO R L ) is metrizable in the sense of Hutton and Erceg with Erceg metric d( L) such that d(L) (p r 1, p s 1)=¦r − s¦ (where p r is the crisp point or impulse with support r), i.e., d( L) extends the Euclidean metric on R .
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