The determination of impact significance is a critical step in Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA). Yet, the notion of impact significance is inherently subjective, immersed in uncertainty, and influenced by competing interests. This article addresses the difficult task of collaboratively determining the significance of the environmental impacts of projects in dispute. We introduce an approach centered on analytic deliberation that entails three steps: analysis, translation, and deliberation. Analysis combines and synthesizes impact significance into a single index using a fuzzy pattern classification algorithm, which also integrates the inherent uncertainty of impact assessment. Translation transforms the index into understandable and accessible spatial representations through geovisualization. Deliberation promotes safe spaces for collaboration in which stakeholders examine evidence openly and reflect on the conflicting values underlying their perspectives. The outcome of the approach is a compromise on the most meaningful representation of impact significance, if one exists, as the basis for agreement on the appropriate prevention, mitigation, and compensation measures of a project. Hence, it helps to reach agreement on the impact prevention, mitigation, and compensation strategy prior to the consultation process required by law in most countries. We illustrate our approach through an example from Mexico.
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