Objective of our work is to demonstrate a new approach to chemical sensing. It is based on an optical probe using optical fiber with Brag Grating (FBG) coated with specific metal whose surface is modified to enhance selective adsorption of chemical species (Figure 1A). The goal is to demonstrate a chemical sensor whose transducing mechanism combines two phenomena: First, a light propagation/reflection through an optical fiber with Brag grating having strain dependent dialectic constants. Second, the electrocapillarity of a metal coating which exerts a pressure/strain on the grating dependent on the coverage of adsorbed species. The model system we investigate is sensing of Cl- in aqueous environment. The interest is driven by the critical need for a sensor capable of detecting low levels of chloride ion in the context of dialysis application. Chloride/chlorine is a primary agent used to purify water due to its cost-effectiveness, high reactivity with contaminants, and prolonged decay rate within distribution systems. However, while chlorine is effective at disinfection, its presence in dialysis water can have severe health implications, necessitating its careful monitoring and control. Our data demonstrate path towards the optimum sensor design with specific FBG materials, fiber dimeters and metal coatings selective to Cl- adsorbates(Figure 1B). This sensor provides an ultra-fast, real-time chemical sensing. Experimental data are also supported with full theoretical model i.e. transducer equation. Potential application our work should be of interest for many areas of biomedical engineering and medicine, nuclear reactor technology, high-pressure heat exchangers and turbines, oil and gas sector and military applications. Figure 1. (A) Schematics of FBG sensor coated with metal layer discussed in the text. Alternating dielectric layers with different refractive indexes n1 and n2 are indicated and represent the Bragg grating with radius of the fiber R. (B) Shift in the wavelength of Bragg light as a function of chloride concentration in solution of 0.1 M HClO4. Data sets are for two different potentials of the Au coating. Corresponding different slopes in data sets show dependence of the adsorption constant on the potential of the Au surface . Figure 1
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