Community development is always associated with the problem of poverty, which is experienced by some communities. At present, poverty is not only a problem in Indonesia but has become a global problem. Indonesia is identical to its citizens’ poverty, despite its desire to progress and develop, the poverty problem in Indonesia is characterized by the low quality of life of the people as indicated by the community development index. Therefore, to anticipate the increasing number of poor people, one of the efforts to increase community income through training and marketing strategies in developing the home industry. The strategy that has been offered is to open extensive opportunities as possible to help the community by collaborating with universities that have resources human being is quite reliable. The purpose of this training program is to provide added value for dengen fruit farmers so that they can process the fruit into a variety of processed foods and drinks. The specific target of this training program is to provide motivation and skills for farmers in processing dengen fruit into syrup and candy as well as knowledge in packaging and selling processed products to increase the income of the local community. Problems experienced by partners are: (1) do not yet have adequate process technology; (1) does not have a Brand and product packaging design to be familiar; (3) does not have an attractive label design; and (4) requires business development assistance in the form of production management and marketing management. Based on the analysis of the problem above, the home industry development strategy set for problem-solving is by (1) increasing partners’ understanding of business management, especially those related to optimizing human resource management; (2) increasing partners’ understanding of the formulation and benefits of business plans (business plans); (3) improving the brand through packaging and product design; (4) increasing partners’ understanding of financial management; (5) increasing partners’ understanding and skills about the production process by using more sophisticated tools.