The goal of this paper is to reveal hidden structures on the singular cohomology and the Griffiths period integral of a smooth projective hypersurface in terms of BV(Batalin-Vilkovisky) algebras and homotopy Lie theory (so called, L∞-homotopy theory). Let XG be a smooth projective hypersurface in the complex projective space P n defined by a homogeneous polynomial G(x) of degree d ≥ 1. Let H = H n−1 prim(XG ,C) be the middle dimensional primitive cohomology of XG . We explicitly construct a BV algebra BVX = (AX , ·,KX ,` KX 2 ) such that its 0-th cohomology H 0 KX (AX ) is canonically isomorphic to H. We also equip BVX with a decreasing filtration and a bilinear pairing which realize the Hodge filtration and the cup product polarization on H under the canonical isomorphism. Moreover, we lift C[γ ] : H → C to a cochain map Cγ : (AX ,KX )→ (C, 0), where C[γ ] is the Griffiths period integral given byω 7→ ∫ γ ω for [γ ] ∈Hn−1(XG ,Z). We use this enhanced homotopy structure on H to study a new type of extended formal deformation of XG and the correlation of its period integrals. As an application, if XG is in a formal family of hypersurfaces XGT , we provide an explicit formula and algorithm (based on a Grobner basis) to compute the period matrix of XGT in terms of the period matrix of XG and an L∞-morphism κ which enhances C[γ ]. Furthermore, if XG is Calabi-Yau, we explicitly construct a formal Frobenius manifold structure on ? e-mail: The work of Jae-Suk Park was supported by the IBS (CA1305-01). ?? e-mail: The work of Jeehoon Park was partially supported by Basic Science Research Program through the National Research Foundation of Korea(NRF) funded by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology(2013023108) and was supported by Basic Science Research Program through the National Research Foundation of Korea(NRF) funded by the Ministry of Education(2013053914). 2 Jae-Suk Park, Jeehoon Park H induced from the special (quantum) solution to the Maurer-Cartan equation of the differential graded Lie algebra (AX ,KX ,` KX 2 ).
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