Pulsating flow as a means of achieving higher heat transfer rates are of interest in many engineering applications such as industrial, environmental and biological flows. These flows are mainly characterised by superimposition of unsteady flow over a steady flow ensuring a net flow along the pipe. The forced pulsation is found to greatly affect the flow characteristics, depending upon the frequency and amplitudes of pulsations. The annular effect in which the flow near the wall is increased is explicitly observed for amplitude of pulsation greater than 0.6, resulting in the heat transfer enhancement up to 40 % for amplitude ratio of 1.8 (Sonawane and Sewatkar, 2019) [11]. The flow characteristics exhibited due to variation in amplitude ratio is absent for variation in Reynolds number and pulsation frequency. In case of heat exchangers used in the Stirling engines, the enhancement in heat transfer can bring a noticeable reduction in the size, thereby saving in the cost and space requirement. However to produce the pulsations by artificial mechanism, like the use of reciprocating pump or pulsators asks for additional amount of input energy as compared to steady flow energy. Hence it becomes necessary to know the energy lost in friction and acceleration and retardation of the fluid due to induced pulsation. Therefore, observations of effect of different amplitudes on the instantaneous and time averaged friction factor is discussed with the sole purpose of obtaining an optimised combination of the governing parameters, namely Reynolds, frequency and amplitude of pulsation for enhancing convective heat transfer for flow through pipe. It has been observed that for amplitude ratios up to 0.6, the friction factor values show a marginal decrease as compared with steady laminar flow, however for higher amplitudes, there is steep decrease in time averaged friction factors. It is also noticed that the instantaneous friction factors show high values in the latter half of pulsation cycle. The friction factor values are greatly influenced by the induced pulsation, due to which the correlations developed for steady laminar flow friction factor calculations needs to be modified.
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