BACKGROUND: Potato is a crop that requires the creation of a fine-grained structure of the upper tuber-inhabited soil layer to form tubers of the correct shape, as well as to ensure conditions for good soil separation during harvesting. For this purpose, most technologies for cultivating this crop provide for the formation of a profiled field surface. One of the results of global climate change is an increase in the frequency of heavy rainfall during the growing season. At the same time, the presence of a profiled surface on fields with even a slight slope leads to significant risks of water erosion during heavy rains due to water flowing from the ridge walls into the row spacing. This leads to annual irreparable losses of the fertile soil layer. Therefore, in order to ensure the preservation of the level of natural soil fertility and eliminate the risks of water erosion when using intensive potato production technologies in the context of global climate change, it is necessary to improve the technological methods and technical means used to form a profiled field surface. AIM: The aim of the study is to protect soil from water erosion during potato cultivation on a profiled field surface by improving technological methods and technical means used to form a profiled field surface, as well as substantiating the parameters and modes of their operation. METHODS: The object of the research is a non-powered rotary dyker mounted on a row-crop cultivator-subsoiler. To select rational parameters of the dyker's blades theoretical studies were conducted on the basis of which the rotor diameter of its blades was selected. The following assumptions were adopted as initial data for determining the technological parameters of the dyker: intensity of rainfall; depth of the loosening tines of the row-crop cultivator-subsoiler; the rate of rain absorption by capillaries on medium-loamy soils at a certain degree of field slope. The theoretical calculation of the technological parameters of thedyker was performed on the basis of the constructed trajectories of the rotor center and its blades during the work process. The calculation of the parameters of the dyker was carried out taking into account that the front and rear walls of the mini pit are formed by its blade by pushing loose soil during rolling with a step t relative to a fixed point at a certain depth h, the step of the dyker's blades t is determined by the design parameters of the rotor: diameter D and the number of blades on it. RESULTS: To determine the number of mini pits per linear meter the volume of water that gets between the rows during a downpour was calculated depending on their interrow width. The calculation results showed that with a precipitation intensity of 15 mm/h the number of mini tip per linear meter of the profiled surface of the field varies from 2.4 to 3.1 pcs/m. These data made it possible to determine the rational parameters of the dyker for protection against water erosion of the fields located on slopes when cultivating potatoes on the profiled surface. CONCLUSION: An effective method for preventing water erosion on the profiled surface of a field when cultivating potatoes is deep loosening between rows with simultaneous formation of mini pits at the bottom of the furrow. For this purpose it is proposed to use a non-powered rotary pit cultivator. When using a dyker with a rotor diameter of 600 mm the number of mini pits per linear meter varies from 2.4 pcs/m with a inter row spacing of 70 cm to 3.1 pcs/m with a inter row spacing of 90 cm. For reliable protection of soils from water erosion with a inter row spacing of 70 cm it is enough to install 4 blades on the rotor, with inter row spacing of 75 and 80 cm best result available with 5 blades per rotor and with a width of 90 cm 6 blades per rotor will be required.
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