Insulated-gate bipolar-transistors (IGBTs) are becoming the main switching devices in medium- and high-power applications, such as switched-mode power supplies, power switches, variable frequency driver circuits, traction motors, and inducting heating. Although the switching speed of IGBTs is lower than in the case of metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect-transistors (MOSFETs), the forward voltage drop is significantly lower, particularly in higher blocking voltage rated devices, which provides major advantage for using IGBTs in many applications. In addition, IGBTs have higher breakdown voltage and currant handling capacity than traditional bipolar-junction-transistors (BJTs), which makes them attractive for a variety of applications related to electric power switches. In this presentation, we introduce two new analytical models for the breakdown voltage of the punch-through IGBTs. The models are based on the accurate analytical estimation of the ionization integral and the solution of the Poisson equation in the drift region, which lead to a nonlinear equation for the breakdown voltage as a function of the doping concentrations in the drift region, buffer layer, and gate and emitter junctions, as well as of the widths of these regions and junctions. In general, this equation does not have an analytical solution and needs to be solved numerically in order to compute the breakdown voltage. Analytical solutions can be found only in a number of particular cases that will be discussed at the conference. The numerical and analytical solutions of the breakdown voltages are compared to more accurate results obtained using Synopsys’s Sentaurus Device Simulator [1], which is a commercial-grade finite element semiconductor simulator. We observe a very good agreement between our models and the finite element simulations for a wide range doping concentration and geometric dimensions of the IGBTs. In addition, at the conference, we will also compare our analytical results with previous analytical results published in the literature [2]. The proposed analytical model provides an efficient way to design the geometry and doping concentration profiles in punch-through IGBTs and helps the optimization process of the breakdown voltage in these devices [3]. More details about the approximations used in our analytical calculations, the results of the comparison with the more precise finite element simulations, and the existing literature will be presented at the conference. [1] 2016 Sentaurus Device Simulator User Manual,[2] J. Baliga, Fundamentals of Power Semiconductor Devices: Springer, 2008. [3] Zhu, C., & Andrei, P. (2017). Sensitivity of Breakdown Voltage of Power Transistors to Dopant Impurities. ECS Transactions, 80(7), 171-179.
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