THE flowfield inside a partially filled prismatic tank with a rectangular section which oscillates laterally has been analyzed using a laser Doppler velocimeter. The distribution of vertical velocity near the free surface, when the frequency of the acting force is equal to one of the natural frequencies of the liquid-tank system, shows that the maxima and the nodes are shifted toward the center of the tank in comparison with the positions computed using the linear theory. Considering the effective value of the horizontal velocity along a vertical line, it is possible to show a velocity out of phase at different points. This phenomenon is particularly noticeable for the vibration modes of higher order. Contents Experimental studies of the sloshing flow, which are needed essentially to determine the natural frequencies of the tankliquid system, have been carried out by flow visualization or by measuring the free surface levels, the accelerations, and the pressures.1 Few attempts have been made to analyze the velocity field instead. In fact, the particular characteristic that the velocity of the fluid motion oscillates near the zero value has made it difficult to analyze the fluid field experimentally. In the present paper good results are obtained using a laser Doppler velocimeter (LDV) to determine the velocity field inside the fluid in a tank laterally excited. The LDV method enables one to obtain very accurate velocity measurements with a good spatial resolution, without disturbing the field in any way. The tests have been carried out using a Plexiglas rectangular tank (30 X 15 cm) rigidly fixed to the oscillating table which is excited by a sinusoidal force of given amplitude and frequency supplied by an electromagnetic vibrator; the height of the liquid at rest was kept at h= 15 cm. The vibrator is controlled through an amplifier by a signal generator with a 0.01-Hz sensitivity in the low-frequency band (Fig. 1). The LDV is a one channel system and was used in the dual beam mode.2'3 The transparent walls of the tank permit the use of the forward-scattering method. The two beams are then led in the tank and allowed to cross at the point of interest. The LDV apparatus consists essentially of an-He-Ne laser of 5 mW power; an optical unit with a Bragg cell to shift the frequency, in order to measure negative velocities and those close to zero; a photomultiplie r; a series of filters, in order to reduce the noise-signal ratio; and a tracker, in order to measure the Doppler frequency. The output signal from either the accelerometer amplifier or the trackers are sent to an rms voltmeter which measures the effective value of acceleration and velocity. The vertical component of velocity is measured by the LDV at the point M which has been taken on the symmetry plane 2