Dipcptidyl peptidase IV (DPP IV; EC an cctocnzyme o n the cell membrane of T-lymphocytes, has bccn shown t o play an important role in the regulation of lymphocyte proliferation and activation. Evidence for this has been provided by the use of specific inhibitors, which revealed (a) a supprcssion of the proliferation of peripheral blood lymphocytes by mitogenic lectins 111, and (b) a decrease in the production of certain lymphokines, namely interleukin 2 and y-intcrferon [2]. In addition, we have reported a rise in the specific activity of DPP IV in lymphocytes stimulated by phytohacmaglutinin (31. Despite the increasing evidence sugesting that DPP IV, like other cellular proteinases, is involved in lymphocytic activation, its exact role remains unknown. Recently, four monoclonal antibodies (TI1 I Y-4-7, 4ELlC7, B1.10.2 and TS145) were found to form a new scrological cluster, named CDw26. Two of them, TI1 19-4-7 (anti-DPP IV) and 4ELlC7 (anti-Tal), recognize the same o r partly idcntical epitopcs on the antigen DPP 1V 141. The use of thcsc monoclonal antibodies will facilitate new invcstigations concerning DPP IV on cell surfaces. In this study we rcvcal some of the biochemical and molecular properties of lymphocytic DPP IV. The information obtained will bc of additional aid in further defining the role of DPP IV in the immune system. For the determination of DPP IV activity we used a scnsitivc fluorometric assay based o n hydrolysis of Gly-Pro4-mcthoxy-2-naphthylamide ( 5 1. Lymphocytes were isolated from huffy coats from healthy volunteers. After diluting twice with physiological saline containing 0.3% tri-sodium citratc and subsequent twofold dilution in Plasmastericl (Fresenius, Bad Hamburg, F.R.G.) to eliminate most of the erythrocytes by sedimentation, the resulting supernatant was used to isolate mononuclear blood cells by Lymphoprep (Nycomcd, Oslo, Norway) gradient centrifugation. The mononuclear cells were aspirated and washed twice with Ca? + and Mg? + -free phosphate-buffered saline. After the last centrifugation step, the cell pellets were stored at 70°C. For the solubilization of DPP IV from the cells, differcnt methods were evaluated, namely sonication, freezing and thawing, and treatment with the non-ionic detergents 1-0-tioctylglucopyranoside, Nonidet-P4O (LKB, Bromma, Sweden) and Triton X-100 (Aldrich Chemical Co., Steinheirn, F.R.G.). Detergent treatment resulted in the highest yields of DPP IV activity, the efficacy of the different detergents being almost the same. Because of its compatibility with most techniques, Triton X-100 was chosen in a final concentration of 1% (v/v). In order to enrich DPP IV, we evaluated different chromatographic procedures (all gels used were from Pharmacia Fine Chemicals, Uppsala, Sweden). Since only small amounts of crude material are available, we were interested in highly selective separation techniques like affinity chromatography. For the purification of DPP IV from other sources, Gly-Pro-AH-Sepharose 4B is often used. After the carbodi-imide method reported earlier [6], we coupled GlyPro t o the AH-Sepharose 4B gel. In comparative studies, at different stages of the purification, we could not detect sig-
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