A model is proposed forSU3 symmetry in which the knownSU3 multiplets of hadrons (strongly interacting particles) are considered as bound states of basic particles t of spin 1/2, baryon number 1 and electric charge 0, ±1, and of their antiparticles\(\bar t\). These basic particles formSU3 triplets and are regarded to be heavy compared to the proton mass. The known meson octets and singlet are supposed to result from binding of a t and a\(\bar t\), giving in terms ofSU3 symmetry the structure\(\bar 3\)×3=1+8. The baryon octet, decuplet (and possibly singlet) are given the composition\(\bar t\)tt, with theSU3 structure 3×3×3=1+8+8+10. These requirements, and the condition to minimize the number of basic particles, lead uniquely to the introduction of 6 basic particles t, one 3 triplet of charges +, 0, 0 and one\(\bar 3\) triplet of charges 0, +, +. They are associated with the values 1/3 and −1/3 of a new quantum numberZ. For the known particlesZ is equal to the baryon number. One then introduces a higher-symmetry group incorporating the new quantum number as well asSU3. This is done within the framework of simple Lie groups, and we are led to select the symplectic group in six dimensionsSp6, whose lowest dimensional representation exactly accommodates the six basic particles t. With this higher symmetry the model predicts anSU3 triplet of new pseudoscalar mesons, anSU3 sextet of new vector mesons, as well as their antiparticles, with mass separations calculable from the masses of the known mesons. For the known pseudoscalar mesons and baryons one finds the usual Gell-Mann-Okubo mass formulae, whereas for the known vector mesons one derives a mass relation identical to the formula obtained in Schwinger’sW3 symmetry model. Our model predicts in addition many new baryon resonances of high mass and large width. All mass predictions are obtained by taking a mass splitting operator of formΔm1+Δm2, whereΔm1 breaksSp6 symmetry but preservesSU3, whileΔm2 breaksSU3.Δm1 is regarded as larger thanΔm2 and is taken to second order , while forΔm2 only first-order effects are included. We are led to this assumption of a symmetry violation which is larger forSp6 than forSU3 by the circumstance that the first-order mass-splitting effects leave the new mesons to be degenerate in mass with the known ones, a situation which is unattractive in several respects.
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