The automated synthesis of small organic molecules from modular building blocks has the potential to transform our capacity to create medicines and materials1-3. Disruptive acceleration of this molecule-building strategy broadly unlocks its functional potential and requires the integration of many new assembly chemistries. Although recent advances in high-throughput chemistry4-6 can speed up the development of appropriate synthetic methods, for example, in selecting appropriate chemical reaction conditions from the vast range of potential options, equivalent high-throughput analytical methods are needed. Here we report a streamlined approachfor the rapid, quantitative analysis of chemical reactionsby mass spectrometry. The intrinsic fragmentation features of chemical building blocks generalize the analyses of chemical reactions, allowing sub-second readouts of reaction outcomes. Central to this advance was identifying that starting material fragmentation patterns function as universal barcodes for downstream product analysis by mass spectrometry. Combining these features with acoustic droplet ejection mass spectrometry7,8 we could eliminate slow chromatographic steps and continuously evaluate chemical reactions in multiplexed formats. This enabled the assignment of reaction conditions to molecules derived from ultrahigh-throughput chemical synthesis experiments. More generally, these results indicate that fragmentation features inherent to chemical synthesis can empower rapid data-rich experimentation.
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