Blanca H. Lapizco-Encinas At the beginning of the 1950s, a new electrokinetic phenomenon was discovered by Dr. Herbert A. Pohl, a scientist at the Naval Research Laboratory. Dr. Pohl observed that dielectric particles could move in the presence of an inhomogeneous electrical field, he called this new phenomenon “Dielectrophoresis” 1. Pohl's discovery laid dormant for a couple of decades until the late 1980s when microfluidics and microfabrication technologies allowed a rebirth of Dielectrophoresis. Dielectrophoresis has become one of the main pillars of microfluidics, with applications in a wide range of fields, from bioanalysis to separation of carbon nanotubes. Dielectrophoresis is one of the fastest growing fields in microfluidics, with hundreds of publications every year, and topical conferences, such as the biannual Dielectrophoresis Meeting series that started at the Institute of Physics in London in 2014. It is with great pleasure that we bring to you the fourth installment of the Dielectrophoresis series; Dielectrophoresis 2011, 2013 and 2015 2-5 were very well received by our scientific community. It is an honor to organize again this special issue focused on the latest developments of this dynamic and exciting field. We are delighted to present to you the special issue “Dielectrophoresis 2017.” This issue contains 12 valuable contributions from research groups in USA, Europe, and Asia. These contributions are divided into three categories: (i) Fundamentals, (ii) Advances in Applications, and (iii) Bioanalytical and Clinical Assessments. The first section on fundamentals includes novel contributions with strong focus on modeling dielectrophoretic particle behavior. Some of these studies also include a comprehensive experimental validation. The topics covered include the modeling of a single particle, multipole moments, behavior of micro-rods in rotating fields, and particle collective dynamics in suspensions. The second section is focused on advances in applications. It starts with a study of a novel dielectrophoretic mode, isomotivedielectrophoresis (isoDEP) for the analysis of individual particles. The section has four additional contributions that cover dielectrophoretically aided droplet generation, enhancing dielectrophoresis with fractal gold nanostructured electrodes, impedance spectroscopy assisted by dielectrophoresis, and an analysis on device design under high conductance solutions. The third and last section is focused on bioanalytical and clinical assessments. This section begins with a comprehensive review on DNA dielectrophoresis that explores the polarizability of DNA, compares the distinct modes of dielectrophoresis and illustrates many of the applications for the manipulation of DNA. This review demonstrates the enormous potential of dielectrophoresis for the analysis of macromolecules. Two additional contributions study the feasibility of dielectrophoresis for enrichment of highly aggressive cancer subpopulations and manipulation of vaccinia virus with dielectrophoretically aided impedance monitoring with carbon nanoelectrodes. We would like to express our greatest appreciation to all the contributors for their excellent articles. Special thanks to Professor Mark Hayes from Arizona State University for handling the editorial process for one of the manuscripts in this issue. We gratefully acknowledge the excellent work and dedication of our reviewers. Thanks again to our authors, reviewers, and everybody else for the support that made the special issue “Dielectrophoresis 2017” possible. Blanca H. Lapizco-Encinas
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