Chronic musculoskeletal disease is the most common disease category in orthopedics, and belongs to the categories of "bone paralysis", "bone impotence", "neck and shoulder pain" or "low back pain" in Chinese medicine. "The disease involves several internal organs and many kinds of internal organs. The disease involves several internal organs and many kinds of essence substances, and is always the evidence of deficiency of the original, impotence and paralysis, with deficiency of qi and blood inside and external evil attacking outside, deficiency of liver, spleen and kidney as the root cause of the disease, wind, cold and dampness attacking the body, and phlegm and stasis blocking the flow of qi and blood. This paper summarizes and discusses the etiology and pathogenesis from several TCM perspectives, aiming to better guide people to understand chronic tendon and bone diseases and provide new directions and ideas for clinical prevention and treatment.
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