The NHS Healthy New Towns programme was developed as an initiative to improve health in communities. In this article, Holly Norman and Daniel McDonnell from the programme describe how this initiative is helping to shape health through the built environment.[Image omitted: See PDF.]In 2014, the Five Year Forward View fired a starting gun in the race to transform health and health care in England.[1] The future vision set out in this document signalled change in many ways: delivering a 'radical upgrade in prevention', moving to new health care 'operating systems' drawing on game-changing technologies and expanding the horizons of the national health system to take in new themes and perspectives.[1]One of the current National Health Service (NHS) programmes that embodies these changes most comprehensively is the Healthy New Towns programme, which partners housing developments with the NHS in order to build better environments for health.[2]As the nation grapples with a national housing shortage, the rapid development of new places and communities forces the question of how health and the wider public sector pull together to turn the ambitions of the Forward View into reality.[3] There is a double imperative here. First, we must ensure that we take steps to protect the health of populations by seizing the chance to embed positive planning and design decisions that will shape places for generations. Second, new developments offer the opportunity to fast-track ideas and inspire existing communities to deliver the radical changes the NHS needs.The potential of new developments to fulfil this second ambition was initially conceived in terms of opportunities to accelerate development of integrated care models and 'design modern services from scratch'.[4] This means thinking hard - and fast - about the implications of the emerging 'Vanguard' care models for healthcare estates and technological infrastructure, demonstrating to the rest of nation what the future might look like as these new models roll out across the country.[5]Ambitions for the programme have evolved rapidly, with equal emphasis now placed on 'shaping new towns, neighbourhoods and strong communities that promote health and wellbeing, prevent illness and keep people independent'.[4] Ideas that bridge public health and planning communities find a home here, such as using planning and design that brings together disciplines and partners to create inclusive public spaces that draw communities together and reduce social isolation or laying out infrastructure to make walking and cycling more appealing options than getting in a car. Combining such approaches with state-of-the-art behavioural insights will help deliver new places in which the easiest choice is also the healthiest choice.Linking the urgent need to build more new homes to building better, healthier homes, the Healthy New Towns programme has hit a vein of interest and support across the country as well as throughout Whitehall. The 10 sites with which the NHS will partner through the programme were announced to press fanfare in March 2016, having been chosen from more than 100 applicants after a selection process lasting five months.[6]-[8] Sites were put forward from every region, ranging from developments of a few hundred households to entirely new towns and suburbs where tens of thousands of people will eventually live. Sites' proposals differed to reflect local circumstances, but all applications shared an enthusiasm to take a holistic place-based approach to public health and healthcare services. They also had in common an appetite to exploit the opportunities for innovation afforded by focussing on new developments less constrained than other places by existing infrastructure such as general practioners' (GP) surgeries, schools and other public buildings that lock-in established behaviours and traditional service models. …
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