Overtime, the existence of militia groups and their activities has caused great concern in Nigeria and Benue State in particular. Their activities have constituted threat to human security as well as food production. This study examined the factors that birthed armed militia groups and how the activities of these groups have affected the production of yam, a major staple food in Ukum Local Government Area of Benue State. The study hypothesized that there is no relationship between militia activities and yam production among rural farmers in Ukum Local Government Area. The General Strain Theory was adopted as the study’s theoretical perspective. The study utilized Cross-sectional design whereby the study population of 384 (using Krejcie and Morgan sample size determination formula) was drawn from 216,986 residents of Ukum Local Government Area. However, the study sampled 100 farmers through purposive and snowball sampling technique due to the volatile nature of the area. Findings of the study reveals that high rate of poverty, fear of domination/injustice, failure of law enforcement agencies to tame the activities of militia groups, and resurgence of political thugs that have been abandoned by their political godfathers, accounted for the formation and proliferation of militia groups in the study area. Results of correlation statistics show a positive correlation between the existence of militia activities and production of yam. Thus, ethnic militia activities negatively affect the production yam in the study locale. The study recommends, among other things, that concerted efforts should be made by the State government to fully develop the productive forces; provide avenues where youths will be engaged to alleviate poverty in Ukum and indeed Benue State, security personnel should be proactive in responding to identified threats, arrest and prosecute offenders to deter others, politicians should stop empowering youths with arms and the youths should be actively engaged in political matters as this will remove the tendencies of domination and marginalization between them and the political elites.
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