O artigo pretende estabelecer o estado da arte das organizacoes percursoras da familia empresaria na antiguidade, atraves da leitura nao religiosa do evangelho de Sao Lucas. Procura-se, assim, contribuir para a construcao de conhecimento organizado e estruturado e para uma compreensao mais aprofundada dos conceitos que estao subjacentes ao construto familia empresaria. A estrategia de investigacao prosseguida socorreu-se da “teoria da pratica” de Bourdieu, significando que no momento da realizacao de uma pesquisa, a problematica pode ser alterada, a hipotese modificada e as variaveis reconsideradas, fazendo com que a qualquer instante surja uma visao inovadora do que se passa no campo em analise. Como principais resultados aponta-se para uma estrutura de familia empresaria embrionaria daquela que hoje conhecemos. Tais conhecimentos poderao potenciar um modelo integrador de varias dimensoes teoricas, suficientemente generico e abrangente, qual mosaico arabe, para que o mesmo possa ser aplicado a qualquer tipo de familia empresaria. The article aims to establish the state of the art of organisations were precursors of the family business in ancient times through the non-religious reading of the Gospel of St. Luke. The construct of family business defines a family firm that is totally or partially owned by a family, from the second generation on wards, with formal organisational structures that ensure its continuity, growth and reinforcement of family heritage and status. The purpose of this article is to contribute to the construction of organised and structured knowledge about the particularities of the family business, as opposed to family firm. And, also, to a better understanding of the concepts that underlie the family business construct. The research strategy carried out was supported on Bourdieu’s “Theory of Practice”, an approach that aims to overcome dichotomies in social theory, such as micro/macro, material/symbolic, empirical/theoretical, objective/subjective, public/private, structure/agency, and focuses on the understanding the practical logic of everyday life and understand relations of power. Methodologically meaning that at the time of conducting a research, the problem can be changed and or the theoretical issues can be transformed, the hypothesis modified, and the variables reconsidered, causing at any moment an innovative vision of what is happening in the field under review. Our reading’s main finding suggested an existence in ancient times of the emergence of an embryonic family business structure. Such knowledge could enhance an integrating model of various theoretical dimensions, sufficiently generic and comprehensive, like an Arabic mosaic, so that it can be applied to any type of business family. Article visualizations: