Accurate and reliable precipitation predictions made by dynamical forecast models could provide crucial information for human socioeconomic activities by enabling hydrologic forecasts at the Subseasonal-to-Seasonal (S2S) timescale. To utilize available S2S precipitation predictions for hydrologic forecasts, post-processing techniques have been applied to adapt the raw S2S precipitation to local watersheds. However, conventional statistical-based post-processing techniques are more focused on correcting the forecast bias, but rather limited in improving the predictive skill of available S2S precipitation forecasts. In this study, we combine the Random Forest classifiers (RF) with the Bias Correction and Spatial Disaggregation (BCSD) to adapt the 10-member ensemble precipitation forecast from the NASA Goddard Earth Observing System model version 5 (GEOS5) at 4 watersheds located in the NCEI South climate region of the United States. The adapted S2S precipitation is further applied for streamflow forecast by forcing a classical lumped hydrologic model. The performance of S2S precipitation as well as the corresponding streamflow predictions are benchmarked with the randomly resampled precipitation and the corresponding Ensemble Streamflow Prediction (ESP) framework-generated streamflow predictions. Evaluation statistics of Kling-Gupta Efficiency (KGE), Continuous Ranked Probability Skill Score (CRPSS), Reliability, Resolution, and Sharpness are employed to evaluate the predictive skill of precipitation and streamflow both deterministically and probabilistically. Our results indicate that dynamical S2S precipitation after forecast adaptation leads to consistently higher deterministic skill over ESP at all forecast lead times and across study watersheds. However, at longer forecast lead times beyond 10–15 days, S2S precipitation with a limited ensemble size does not present higher probabilistic skill than ESP. Our results shows that the joint application of RF and BCSD improves the predictive skill of the raw S2S precipitation at study watersheds in contrast to BCSD. Further, the added predictive skill of S2S precipitation brought by RF propagates into streamflow predictions, predominantly at longer forecast lead times exceeding 10 days. Overall, our results highlight the potential success of future work to apply other data-driven approaches to adapt the raw precipitation to local watersheds for more accurate and reliable streamflow forecasts at the S2S timescale.
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