Background/Objectives: Histopathological examination enables visualization of morphological changes in cells and tissues. In recent years, there has been increasing interest in assessing the mechanical properties of tissues that cannot be determined by standard histopathological examinations. Mechanobiology is crucial in human physiology and holds promise for uncovering new diagnostic markers for disease processes such as carcinogenesis and inflammation. In this study, we concentrated on measuring the mechanical properties of appendix biopsy specimens to identify potential mechanomarkers of inflammation. Appendix tissues provided the opportunity to measure mechanical properties both with an atomic force microscope and a shear rheometer. Methods: The atomic force microscope AFM-NanoWizard 4 BioScience JPK/Bruker was used for the evaluation of the elastic modulus (i.e., Young's modulus) of appendix tissues. Young's modulus was derived from the Hertz-Sneddon model applied to force-indentation curves. The rheological properties of macroscopic samples were measured on a parallel-plate, strain-controlled shear rheometer Anton Paar MCR302. Results: The data collected suggest that elasticity, expressed as Young's modulus and the storage modulus, could be considered a marker indicating appendix tissue inflammation. Young's modulus of inflamed appendix tissues was found to be significantly lower than that of healthy ones, with an average reduction of 67%. Furthermore, it was observed that inflamed appendix tissues, in comparison to healthy ones, respond differently under varying axial and shear stresses, enabling their identification. Conclusions: Our findings suggest that the specific mechanical properties of inflamed vermiform appendices could serve as novel mechanomarkers for the early detection and monitoring of appendicitis.
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