Cells especially cancer cells are capable of rapid cytoskeleton remodeling and often membrane reorganization in response to environmental cues. The propensity to remodel is reflected in part by the lifetime τ of the membrane-cytoskeleton bonds at the edges of cells; τ increases as their number density and on-rate increases. We measure τ by monitoring the time-course of the membrane peeling force Fp at the edge of a cancer cell. Experiments are conducted at the near-equilibrium region (cf. irreversible), where an optical tweezers is used to apply a load with a handle which is bound to a slowly moving cell, and the handle displacement is detected at a resolution of 500 μs after averaging.Under constant load, Fp increases monotonically with time; at force fR and time tR this slope abruptly changes indicating membrane-cytoskeleton bond rupture. Repeating for many cells we find fR is not constant but increases with tR. We propose it represents the rupture of a cluster of bonds with larger clusters demonstrating greater rupture forces and lifetimes. This is in agreement with theory that calculates the lifetime of a cluster of bonds between two bodies (J.Chem.Phys.121:8997). Comparing experimental data with this theory, we find that molecular parameters are within expected ranges reported for biomolecular bonds in vitro withevidence that the bonds can re-bind. Cells treated with Rho-GTPase inhibitors possess membrane-cytoskeleton bonds with lower stiffness that show no rebinding on the timescale of the measurements (zero on-rate). This is predictable since active Rho-GTPases form linkages between the membrane and actin-effector proteins of the cytoskeleton. This measurable change in bond properties provides a quantitative method for evaluating the role of Rho-GTPases in dynamic cytoskeleton remodeling. This is relevant as Rho-GTPases are upregulated in many human cancers including the HN-31 cell line used in this study.
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