In 1997, a Memo of Understanding was signed between the National Cancer Institute and the Food and Consumer Service of the USDA to encourage state Team Nutrition and 5 A Day contacts to partner and jointly promote their programs. Monetary resources became available through a mini-grant process in 1998 for local health departments to partner with the county Team Nutrition schools, school food service and county cooperative extension service to increase nutrition education interventions in school sites during the 1998-1999 school year. Nineteen local health departments partnered to create programs to compliment existing 5 A Day nutrition activities. Nutrition interventions were tailored to specific school and community needs. Messages were promoted to school food service personnel, administrators, teachers, students and parents with community outreach. Activities included student - developed school announcements, classroom and cafeteria learning stations, theatrical productions, nutrition fairs, vegetable gardens, and fruit and vegetable tasting and challenges. Local media coverage of events and promotions increased community awareness. Regional workshops were held in the spring to provide a forum for county participants to showcase and share their mini-grant activities. Pre-tests by teachers, students and school food service personnel indicated strong interest in planned activities. Post testing continues to be performed and monitored. An additional result of partnering is the development of new county nutrition coalitions in a majority (13) of the communities. In counties where coalitions already existed, membership and development were strengthened by partnership activities. Current plans indicate continued 5 A Day and Team Nutrition joint school-based interventions.
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