AbstractLandscape situations frequently are such that trees may be well established when an attempt is made to establish turf. This occurs when renovating an old lawn, changing type of turf, or where new subdivisions are located in areas of established trees. This study was initiated to assess the effects of established silver maple (Acer saccharinum) and honey‐locust (Gleditsia triacanthos L.) roots on newly seeded Kentucky bluegrass (Poa pratensis). A connecting pot technique was used to maintain nearly uniform light intensity over tree‐shaded pots with or without tree roots.Silver maple and honeylocust roots established prior to seeding of common Kentucky bluegrass had a highly significant effect on growth of bluegrass, but the bluegrass had no significant effect on tree roots. Dry weight of foliage, sod and root yields, and root/sod ratios were reduced by presence of tree roots. Penetration of bluegrass roots into the main soil mass was restricted by silver maple roots. A mat of bluegrass roots about 0.95 cm (⅜ inch) thick was easily lifted from the soil containing tree roots.Established tree roots reduced the number of bluegrass plants established from seed, but had no effect on tiller production. It is hypothesized that biochemical inhibition (allelopathy) may be involved.
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