Analytical derivatives of flutter dynamic pressure, flutter frequency, gain margins, and phase margins with respect to various aeroservoelastic design variables are developed. The formulation is based on a first-order time-domain aeroservoelastic mathematical model. The structure is represented in the model by vibration modes, the unsteady aerodymanics by minimum-state rational approximation functions, and the control system is coupled with the aeroelastic system through motion sensors and control surfaces. The sensitivity derivatives are expressed as exact functions of the stability boundary eigenvectors and of the real-valued system matrix derivatives with respect to arbitrary design variables. These expressions may be applied to any aeroservoelastic design variable with respect to which the system matrix derivative is available. System matrix derivatives with respect to structural stiffness and mass parameters, control gains, actuator parameters, and sensor locations are presented. The new sensitivity derivatives facilitate efficient gradient-based aeroservoelastic algorithms, which directly address flutter and stability margin requirements. A numerical example utilizing the mathematical model of the Active Flexible Wing wind-tunnel model is given. A practical control design problem with roll maneuver constraints is used to demonstrate the accuracy and usage of the derivatives.
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