Location Based Service (LBS) is a service on smartphones that functions as a navigation device based on the user's position to determine the location where the user is. LBS utilizes GPS capabilities in finding geolocation information and sometimes using Google maps to display a complete map of the location. But the results of previous research studies Google Map does not give shortest and accessible routes. Furthermore, to improve work of LBS, Floyd Warshall algorithm is used because the algorithm has the principle of optimality in calculating the total of all routes optimally. According to data recorded by the Ministry of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia there have been 1,304 Mosques in the City of Semarang, but with this much data it should be easier to find places of worship for Muslims. Most mosques that are visited are mosques on the highway because it is more visible even though there are many other mosques that can be accessed. By using the White Box and Black Box tests, finding shortest path to find places of worship in the city of Semarang can be given accurately. The result was the Floyd Warshall algorithm could provide shortest path route and it was more accessible better than Google Map navigation.
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