Portal thrombosis is no longer considered a contraindication for transplantation because of the technical experience acquired in the field of liver transplantation and the development of various surgical techniques. All the same, the results obtained in portal thrombosis patients are at times suboptimal, and the surgical technique used (thromboendovenectomy or veno-venous bypass) is also controversial. Between May 1988 and December 2001, 455 liver transplants were performed, of which 32 (7%) presented portal vein thrombosis. Of these, eight belonged to the first 227 transplants (group I), and 24 to the other 228 (group II). Of the 32 cases with portal thrombosis, 20 (62%) were type Ib, seven (22%) type II/III and five (16%) type IV. Twenty-two were males (69%), with a mean age of 50 yr (range: 30-70 yr); the thrombosis in all cases developed over a cirrhotic liver: 15 cases of an ethanolic origin, 11 because of hepatitis C virus, two cases of autoimmune aetiology, one case of primary biliary cirrhosis, one case because of hepatitis B virus and two cases of a cryptogenic origin. Five cases had a history of surgical treatment for portal hypertension. The surgical method in all cases consisted of an eversion thromboendovenectomy (ETEV) under direct visual guidance, with occlusion of the portal flow using a Fogarty balloon. Once re-canalization was achieved, we performed local heparinization and end-to-end portal anastomosis. In no case was systemic post-operative heparinization performed. In the 32 cases in which thrombectomy was attempted it was achieved in 31 of them (96%), failing only in a case of type IV thrombosis, which was resolved by portal arterialization. Of the 31 successful cases, only one with type IV thrombosis re-thrombosed. The 5-yr survival rate of the patients in the series was 69%, with 10 patients dying, of whom only two from causes related to the thrombosis and the thrombosis treatment, both with type IV thrombosis. The ideal treatment for portal thrombosis during liver transplantation is controversial and depends on its extension and the experience of the surgeon. In our experience, ETEV resolves most thromboses (types I, II and III), but management of type IV, which occasionally can be treated with this technique, may require more complex procedures such as bypass, portal arterialization or cavoportal haemitransposition.
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