Pillar shape exploration in deterministic lateral displacement (DLD) technique holds great promise for developing high-performance microfluidic devices with versatile sorting schemes. A recent innovative design using filter-like micropillars was proposed to improve cell separation, but its significance might be greatly underestimated due to an inaccurate understanding of the underlying mechanism. In this study, we employ mesoscopic hydrodynamic simulations to explore the movement and separation of rigid spherical particles in DLD arrays using various two-piece hybrid (TPH) pillars, where each pillar consists of two individual pieces separated by a tunable inter-piece channel. In comparison with the conventional one-piece pillars, the back piece of TPH-pillars is found to hierarchically tailor the flow profile of the front piece on the basis of the row shift fraction and the inter-piece channel width, resulting in unique tunable multi-scheme separation at low, intermediate, and high row shift fractions, respectively. At the intermediate regime, in particular, the first flow lane that determines the critical separation size could be physically fenced out by the inter-piece channel, and a delicate coupling of hydrodynamic filtration and DLD has been revealed to induce a constant critical size in the whole regime. This work theoretically demonstrates the feasibility and significance of TPH-pillars, which may open up a new direction of the geometry design by exploiting rich multi-piece hybrid structures to expand the versatility of the DLD technique.
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