The periodically driven $O(N)$ model is studied near the critical line separating a disordered paramagnetic phase from a period doubled phase, the latter being an example of a Floquet time crystal. The time evolution of one-point and two-point correlation functions are obtained within the Gaussian approximation and perturbatively in the drive amplitude. The correlations are found to show not only period doubling, but also power-law decays at large spatial distances. These features are compared with the undriven $O(N)$ model, within the Gaussian approximation, in the vicinity of the paramagnetic-ferromagnetic critical point. The algebraic decays in space are found to be qualitatively different in the driven and the undriven cases. In particular, the spatiotemporal order of the Floquet time crystal leads to position-momentum and momentum-momentum correlation functions which are more long-ranged in the driven than in the undriven model. The light-cone dynamics associated with the correlation functions is also qualitatively different as the critical line of the Floquet time crystal shows a light cone with two distinct velocities, with the ratio of these two velocities scaling as the square-root of the dimensionless drive amplitude. The Floquet unitary, which describes the time evolution due to a complete cycle of the drive, is constructed for modes with small momenta compared to the drive frequency, but having a generic relationship with the square-root of the drive amplitude. At intermediate momenta, which are large compared to the square-root of the drive amplitude, the Floquet unitary is found to simply rotate the modes. On the other hand, at momenta which are small compared to the square-root of the drive amplitude, the Floquet unitary is found to primarily squeeze the modes, to an extent which increases upon increasing the wavelength of the modes, with a power-law dependence on it.
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