The space P(Sn) of all paths a) in Sn with given initial point x and endpoint -x admits an involution (To)(t) = -co(1 t). With the standard antipodal involution on Sn-1 an equivariant map P(Sn) -* Sn-' is constructed for n = 2, 4, or 8. Afixedpointfree involution on a space Xis a map T:X T Xsatisfying T' = identity and Tx $ x for every x E X. Three examples of interest are (i) (Sn, T1) with T1x = -x; (ii) (V(Sn), T2) where V(Xn) = the unit tangent sphere bundle of Sn and T2 = the antipodal action on each fibre; and (iii) (P(Sn), T3) where P(Sn) = the space of paths with given initial point x E Sn and endpoint -x, and (T3w))(t) = -w(1 t). For (X, T) a fixed point free involution the co-index of X is the least integer n for which there exists an equivariant map (X, T) --(Sn, T1). A classical result of Borsuk [1] asserts that the co-index of (Sn, T1) equals n. In [2] Conner and Floyd determined the co-index of (V(Sn), T2) (for all n) and the co-index of (P(Sn), T3) for all n except n = 2, 4, and 8. Their results assert (i) co-index(V(Sn), T2) = n or n 1 according as n 0 {1, 3, 7} or n E {1, 3, 7} and (ii) co-index(P(Sn), T3) = n if n 0 {1, 2, 4, 8} and = n 1 if n = 1. The remaining cases of (ii) are resolved by PROPOSITION. For n = 2, 4, or 8 there exists an equivariant map (P(Sn), T3) -_ (Sn-i, T1). PROOF. For n = 2, 4, and 8 there are the Hopf fibrations Sn-1 F S2n-1 P+ Sn. Here S2n-1 is the unit sphere in F2 (F = complexes for n = 2, the quaternions for n = 4 and the Cayley numbers for n = 8) and the map p assigns to each unit vector the 1-dimensional (over F) subspace it spans. Fix a point x E Sn and a point y E S7n= the fibre of p over x. S2n-1 iS the join of Sxnand Snx71, where Sf7xl is both the fibre over -x and the unit sphere in the 1-dimensional (over F) subspace orthogonal to the subspace spanned by Sn-1. Moreover p maps the great circle arc Received by the editors December 8, 1970. AMS 1969 subject classifications. Primary 5536.