Photon scattering from a strongly driven many-particle system is investigated. The second-order correlation function for light emitted from a strongly and near-resonantly driven dilute cloud of atoms is discussed. It is shown that photon scattering from strongly driven multi-atom systems exhibits bunching together with super-Poissonian or sub-Poissonian statistics. Next, squeezing in the resonance fluorescence emitted by a regular structure of atoms is discussed. In a suitable modified environment, squeezing even occurs for a resonant driving field, in contrast to the regular vacuum case. OCIS codes: 270.0270, 270.6620, 270.6570. doi: 10.3788/COL201210.S22701. How to characterize light is a basic but ubiquitous problem in many branches of physics. In quantum physics, correlation functions are widely used in discussing the foundations of the underlying theory. As one of the most important model system, Young’s double-slit experiment, despite its simplicity, exhibits the first-order coherence properties of light and allows to explore fundamental questions such as complementarity and uncertainty relations [1] . The remarkable progress of trapping atoms makes it possible to investigate experimentally the interference of the fluorescence light from two driven atoms which play the role of the slits in Young’s experiment [2] . In this experiment, the two slits were replaced by two 198 Hg + ions in a linear trap and the interference pattern in the light scattered from the two ions was observed. However, it was shown that, in the strong-field limit, the interference vanished at strong driving [3−10] . This restricts potential applications, e.g., coherent backscattering from disordered structures of atoms [11] , the generation of squeezed coherent light by scattering light off of a regular structure [12] , the lithography [13,14] , or precision measurements and optical information processing. The interference vanishing at strong driving can be understood from the two-particle collective dressed states. In the strong-field limit, the two-particle collective dressed states are uniformly populated, i.e., the probabilities of the symmetric transitions and of the antisymmetric transitions are the same, so that the fringes with bright center and those with dark center cancel with each other. Some of us presented a scheme to recover firstorder interference with almost full visibility in strong fields by tailoring the surrounding electromagnetic bath with a suitable frequency dependence [15] , e.g., with the help of cavities. Based on this idea, we have proposed a scheme to generate squeezing in strong driving field [16] . However, it is not possible to extract the quantum properties from the first-order correlation functions. This motivated the study of second-order correlations, initiated by the intensity-correlation experiments conducted by Hanbury-Brown et al. [17] . Subsequently, second-order correlation measurements have found ap