Interactive digital literature offers parallel worlds between linguistic text based on the eloquence of letters, their energy, and digital interactive text based on visual, kinetic, chromatic, and auditory elements, enriched by the participation of the receiver who becomes an explorer. This literature is the product of significant cognitive developments. In this research, we aim to examine experimentation in the works of digital poet Mushtaq Abbas Ma'an and the evolution of his tools, starting with his first collection, "Digital Verses of Some of Which Are Blue," through his second collection, "The Infinite Fire Wall," to his latest collection, “Ancient pain with enduring echoes.” which combines printed text and interactive digital work in a pioneering and remarkable experiment within its field. We will focus on the key foundations of both works, noting the poet's openness to experimentation. We will delve deeper into the study of the last collection, which encapsulates the creative process, to analyze the evolution of the poet's perspective on interactive digital poetry, the development of his tools, and his digital experience. To achieve this goal, the research will follow the following plan: Phase One: Digital Verses of Some of Which Are Blue and the Experimentation Adventure. Phase Two: The Infinite Fire Wall and Continuation After a Break. Phase Three: Ancient pain with enduring echoes and the Completion of the Digital Experiment.
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